Your service in the MLA Plan begins to accrue on the first day of the month in which you are elected to the House of Assembly, regardless of which day of the month the election is held.
You are credited with a full year of pensionable service for each twelve calendar months regardless of the number of days the House of Assembly sits. Months of service are credited as a fraction of a year.
You stop accruing pensionable service on the last day of the month in which you cease to be a Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA) or reach the maximum total accrual.
If you resign as a MLA, your last month is the month in which your resignation is effective. If you do not contest an election, or are unsuccessful in an election, your pensionable service ceases on the last day of the month in which the election is held.
You may only be credited with a maximum of 20 years of pensionable service, to a maximum total of 70% of your 3-year highest average annual Indemnity* (and annual Salary*, if applicable).
* annual Indemnity
means the annual indemnity or “base pay” payable under the House of Assembly Act to a member.
** annual Salary
means the additional salary payable to a member for serving in one of the following positions:
A member of the Executive Council,
Leader of the Opposition,
Leader of a recognized party,
Speaker or Deputy Speaker.